Free 3 Video Series  "New Car Paint Finish Care Boot Camp"...

"Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes new car owners make that result in paint finish catastrophy and learn how to keep your paint finish looking like new virtually  FOREVER"

In this 3 video series   you will discover the simple secrets that will keep your paint finish looking like the day it was brand new.

  • You will learn the most common mistakes new car owners make which result in paint finish damage.
  • You will learn the single worst thing you could ever do to your new car, which will result in dulling over time and in some cases immediately scratched .
  • You will learn the 2 simple secrets to keeping your paint finish looking pristine well beyond the day you pay your car off 5 or 6 yrs down the road.
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New Car Paint Finish Boot Camp

This 3 video series will make it crystal clear just how easy it is to keep your paint finish looking like new for years.  Don’t wing it  and don’t take chances with your beautiful vehicle!

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Karl Eberhardt

“The number one priority of every new car owner should be to become educated on the correct care of the paint finish. Innocent mistakes are the leading cause of damage to the delicate paint finish. Correct techniques are simple and inexpensive, thus maintaining or increasing the value of a car.”

Karl Eberhardt Designer of The Ultimate Car Scratch Remover System